CRank: 5Score: 25120

"and erm how much is $15 in GBP?"

7 pound or so ..or the cost of an n64 game that you would pay for on the VC

4994d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"its funny that anything bad about MS or the 360 gets swept under the rug and doesn't even make a headline"

Yeh coz that RROD was really thrown under the rug....? lol

..and then stomped on

4994d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Planning to sell my Wii, too. Mario Kart Wii and SSBB is not worth owning a Wii. "


Try Tatsunoko vs Capcom, its better in my opinion. If u like fighting games

4997d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Well, I sold my Wii last week, looks like I won't be buying this. I wanted to keep it for Zelda, but I don't want a Wii collecting dust until spring. I got a good price for it. "

Maybe u guys should buy a Dust Buster instead. Seems you have really dirty houses!

4997d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"my Wii sits dusty as hell with only 2-3 worthy games a year anymore FOR ME.. "

3 x 4 = 12....12 games isnt enough to keep you playing a wii? lol Plus all the awesome retro VC games and wii ware.

Sad to be your dusty ol' wii

4997d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

@the article

Yeh because wii fit is "essential" lol


"Good thing I have someone around like you to tell me whether or not I'm a real gamer. I guess I've been outed as a fake gamer. Thanks for enlightening me. "

All agree say I?? I ! But i have a ps3 so according to Imperator's "logic" that makes me a gamer. Lucky me! All this time i didnt know...but now i do!

4997d ago 3 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Close to PS3/360 levels? What a laugh. IT has shader support that is COMPARABLE to it. but the ram, the cpu and the gpu level are nowhere near it. The GPU is clocked at 133 mhz. The GPU is more in line with last generation PS2/Gamecube level performance in max polygon performance WITH the help of modern shaders. "

And it plays games too! *swipes forehead* "phew"..thought they may have left out that part with all that other jibber jabber.

4999d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment

Not really hardware improves very quickly. Plus no one knows, so why say either ??

4999d ago 3 agree2 disagreeView comment

Yeh but the ps3 is old news now. But dont worry u still have 6 more years to go as sony was going for a 10 year plan.

"um Uncharted 1, Uncharted 2, LBP,LBP2, Killzone 2, Killzone 3, MGS4, FF13 versus, Heavy Rain, God of war 3, The last Gaurdian, GT5, MLB the show,Portal 2 they all say hello "

Hello. How are you.

4999d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

Wasnt the launch game for the DS, >> Mario 64??

4999d ago 5 agree1 disagreeView comment

"The Wii is getting obsolete in my eyes because it has the graphic quality of the GameCube (which is old tech) "

Yes old tech. Your calling what the wii uses internally as old. Your still making it out to be a dinosaur that uses a cane even tho its a new system. It plays games, and as long as it has good games (which it has many) who cares if it cant play a DVD or blu-ray, really, i mean your making out that the wii is just a gamecube so why buy it? It still has...

5000d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"It's sad that my legacy gaming systems don't stay in my possession as long as those of yours, is it? "

No it's sad that you cannot play anything that is last generation (from what youu have been saying). I dont even have a psone anymore but i still like downloading old titles i used to have.

"When did I say that the wii is bad because it's old? I said it's bad because it's a this gen console but made with outdated tech...

5002d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"No Floppy disk drive on my computer either so no I don't like DOS games anymore. Is that very unusual for not liking a system because of its dated technology? Just to be clear, I don't really feel like playing PSone or PS2 games on a 42'' HDTV either. "

That really is sad. You dont feel like playing ps1 or 2 games because of the resoloution >>? lol that really is sad.

You know new cars are safer, better fuel economy, mp3 play...

5003d ago 1 agree0 disagreeView comment

"And if there are some sh*t Move games - it's the fault of the game and not the Move hardware. Does anyone blame the Wiimote for all the Wii shovelware games? "

You must be new to this site.

Your answer? SURPRISINGLY - yes ! People really do blame nintendo/wii mote quite often for shovelware that comes out on the system.

5003d ago 2 agree0 disagreeView comment

"YOu really need to focus not just swing aimlessly. "

That's funny, even in the first wii game (wii sports) you had to do more than swing aimlessly. See what people miss when they just assume what they think are fact.

For example try playing the tennis training (2nd stage) in wii sports. Which has been out for like 4 years. Try and get more then 30 by just "swinging aimlessly"

5003d ago 2 agree1 disagreeView comment

ebay. cheaper, easier.

If available, mine is the japanese version and it came in MINT cond.

5007d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

I bought mine on ebay for like $180. It worked out cheaper than buying more games and consoles, plus i already spent all my points (2500) on the game and watch collection for the DS.

5007d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Sony never ripped off Wii, they just waited until they got it right."

Right up until "move" was announced motion sensing was a gimmick to sony and microsoft.

What sony is trying to steal is nintendo's thunder

5014d ago 2 agree2 disagreeView comment

Good read. I agree with the article, and always have said the same thing.

Why did they stop making 2D games for so long? I mean some games just do not belong in the 3D realm. Sonic! That means you !

5028d ago 0 agree0 disagreeView comment

"Ehm, seriously, no.
The music is cool, yeah ok, but come on, the best thing about FFVII were the AWESOME graphics"

Yeh the FMV was really well done, but the in game graphics of that game were seriously bad.

8 bit and 16 bit just has so much charm which i cant get enough of.

5028d ago 1 agree1 disagreeView comment